SF-OAK-SJ Bay Area
High Performance Coaching and Leadership Academy

Get “Cutting Edge” Leadership Training.
This acclaimed training is coming to California!
Includes 4-day workshop combined with 2 coaching and 2 mentoring sessions by phone following the workshop.
The workshop will be held at Merritt Community College Campus in Oakland, CA from Tuesday, April 30th through Friday, May 3rd.
Kelly Walsh Consulting in partnership with the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Emergency Services Consulting International.
This engaging, 4-day workshop helps current emergency service leaders and aspiring leaders to:
Use skills they already know to prevent people problems.
Learn key areas of focus to improve the impact of their job performance.
Have access to over 20 leadership tools they can take back and use immediately.
Engage and develop the employees working on their teams.
Develop a flexible style in order to lead everyone, no matter their age or style
Think on a more comprehensive level about advancing their department’s success
Who Should Attend? Current Officers, Company Officers, Future–Potentials, Mid-level Chiefs, anyone in FD Leadership Positions
Do You Want High Performing Officers in Your Fire Department?
Don’t You Want Your Officers to be as Effective off the Fireground As On?
The greatest deficiency in the fire officer training is leadership
When training is combined with coaching, individuals increase their performance by an average of 86% compared to 22% with training alone. (Source: Personnel Management Assoc.)
It’s more affordable than you think with the High Performance Coaching and Leadership Academy
What is a Leadership & Coaching Academy?
4-day Workshop followed by 2 coaching and 2 mentoring sessions
Combining peer support and 1:1 leadership coaching, great content, facilitation, accountability for results
Instructed By: Dan Jones, Retired Fire Chief, Chapel Hill Fire Department and Kelly Walsh, M. Ed., Leadership Coach, former HR Partner for Mesa, AZ Fire and Medical Dept.
Each and every session is about bringing back ONE THING to the fire department in order to have impact
Class format is engaging, relevant and energizing
What are the Benefits and Results to the Organization?
Great ROI to the department, Practical, Measurable, Emphasis on Results, Powerful Approach, Flexible
Officers that can solve problems and help manage
Less problems and issues coming to the Fire Chief’s desk
Participants learn to coach their peers and reduce internal personnel issues
Workshop Content
Leadership Foundation / Preparing Officers / Setting Expectations / Dashboard and 30-Day Accountability Plans
How Fire Departments Train Officers
Communicating Simply and Powerfully
Leading vs Managing
Think Comprehensively: High Performance Tripod and Timeline/Prevention Focus
Rules of Crisis Management & Leadership or or 10 Commandments of Fire Officer Survival
Maintaining Positive Media Relations and Social Media
Engage and Mobilize Employees
Who are we Leading – Generational Differences
Ethics and Leadership Values
Building Your Networks
The “Coach Approach” to Performance Management
Mentoring as a Key Responsibility
Legal Liability and Personnel Management
Conflict Management and Having Difficult Conversations
Dealing with Politics or Managing and Leading in Turbulent Times
Marketing and Branding Your Department and Yourself
Lessons Learned
Where: Merritt Community College Campus in Oakland, CA Google Map
When: Tuesday, April 30th through Friday May 3rd, 2019
Time: 8:30am to 5:30pm
Upon completion of the symposium 2 coaching and 2 mentoring session will be scheduled by phone for each participant. 4 sessions in total, 1 per month June, 2019 through September, 2019.
Your Instructors:
Chief Dan Jones and Fire Leadership Coach Kelly Walsh have combined their expertise to bring you cutting edge leadership training that includes mentoring and coaching to help you bring immediate results back to your department. For more detailed biographies Click Here and scroll down to Kelly and Dan to read more.
What is Included:
4-day Workshop
4 months of Coaching and Mentoring (2 mentoring and 2 coaching sessions per attendee, each session is by phone for attendee flexibility)
Pricing: $949 per attendee
Reserve your seat today for $25 deposit.
Leadership academy class size is limited to a maximum of 44 attendees. Sign Up Today!
High Performance Coaching and Leadership Academy
For More Academy Information:
Please contact Steven Matzat – smatzat@1smartcareer.com | 408-386-5093 (cell